Cash Advance: What You Need To Know About This Credit Card Feature
There are times when you need a quick financial bailout. You can sell your stuff, borrow from family and friends or take a payday or emergency loan. But now, you also have the option of taking a cash advance on your credit card.
The advance is a loan against your card balance. The main advantage is that you get the money instantly. While before you could only get money from the ATM using your debit card, it is now possible to get cash using your credit card.
What Is Cash Advance
In simpler words, cash advance is a loan that you can borrow depending on your credit limits. It's paid back with interest. It's a feature that you'll find in some credit cards. With this feature, you will get a PIN which you can then use to access money from an ATM.
You may be wondering how to get cash from a cred...